Terms of Conditions

Terms and Conditions (UK)

General Terms and Conditions of Trading with WorrkBox

These terms and conditions govern the purchase of products and/or services from WorrkBox and outline the agreement between SolutionDot Ltd (WorrkBox) and you, the customer representing the purchasing business.

1 Parties

  • SolutionDot Ltd is a company registered in England (Company No. 12554816) with its registered address at 88 MacDonald Street, Birmingham, England (“WorrkBox or SolutionDot”).
  • You, the Customer, are engaging WorrkBox to purchase Products and/or Services on behalf of your business.

2 Definitions and Interpretation
The definitions and rules of interpretation in this Agreement include:

• Data Protection Laws: includes GDPR and related legislation.
• Device: any single Hardware item provided by WorrkBox.
• Hardware: includes point of sale terminals, printers, CCTV, and peripherals.
• Intellectual Property Rights: patents, copyrights, trademarks, etc.
• Product: Hardware and/or Software.
• Professional Services: projects scoped under Professional Services.
• Return to Base: procedure for returning faulty Hardware to WorrkBox.
• SAAS Plan(s): software-as-a-service plans.
• Services: services provided by WorrkBox, including support and maintenance.
• Software: point of sale software.
• Statement of Work: document detailing specific service terms.
• Support Plan: maintenance plans for Software.
• System: WorrkBox applications and technical systems.
• Working Days/Hours: standard business days/hours.

3 Application of this Agreement
This Agreement applies to all Products and/or Services provided by WorrkBox and forms part of any quotation or order. Customer orders constitute offers, subject to acceptance or rejection by WorrkBox. These terms prevail over any conflicting terms in the Customer’s documents. This Agreement incorporates the WorrkBox Software End User Licence Agreement (EULA); in case of conflict, this Agreement prevails. Duration of Software licence and Hardware rental is as agreed in writing.

4 Choosing Products and Services from WorrkBox
WorrkBox provides information to inform Customer purchases and may offer Software demos. Customer is responsible for ensuring purchased Products and Services meet their requirements. Quotations are guideline prices and not binding contracts. WorrkBox’s advice not confirmed in writing is at Customer’s risk. Errors in sales materials may be corrected without liability. Risk in Products passes to Customer upon delivery, title upon full payment.

5 Fees
All pricing is provided in good faith and valid for 30 days unless stated otherwise. SAAS Plans and Support Plan charges vary based on Devices and locations. Prices quoted are per Device unless specified. Customer reimburses reasonable travel and expenses for Services. Invoices are due upon receipt; no dispatch or Services until payment. Prices exclude VAT; VAT added to invoices where applicable. Late payments accrue interest per the Late Payment of Commercial Debts Act.

6 Customer Responsibilities
Customer installs Hardware, maintains environmental conditions, and ensures proper use by trained staff. Customer keeps records of Hardware use, provides access for Support, and maintains backups. Customer secures Systems against unauthorized access or viruses. Customer maintains login security for WorrkBox Systems.

7 Internet/Network Requirements
Products require reliable internet/local network connection. Customer must maintain suitable network conditions. Customer responsible for connection charges and maintenance. WorrkBox advises on network suitability but ultimate responsibility lies with Customer.

8 Hardware as a Service (Monthly Fee)
Monthly subscription option for Hardware and Software. Cancellation terms apply within contract period. Customer options at contract end; WorrkBox retains ownership. Customer arranges safe return of Hardware upon contract end.

9 Product Rental
Option to rent Products with deposit and rental fees. Customer responsible for maintaining and returning Hardware. Charges apply for late return or damage exceeding deposit value.

10 Annual Software Licence Fee
Annual fee for Software licence; payment due on anniversary. Licence fee non-refundable upon termination. Automatic renewal unless cancelled with 30 days’ notice. Upgrade to latest Software version required upon renewal.

These terms and conditions govern all transactions between WorrkBox and the Customer.

  1. Support Plan
    WorrkBox provides two optional Support Plans:
    1 Standard Support:
    ◦ Includes the annual Software licence fee.
    ◦ Access to WorrkBox support team during Working Hours.
    ◦ Remote technical and support from WorrkBox’s UK call centre.
    ◦ Software updates.
    ◦ Email support.
    ◦ Encrypted backup of transaction data.
    ◦ Warranty upgraded from ‘Return to Base’ to ‘Swap It’ per clause 18.
    ◦ Remote training for all Customer staff.
    2 Premium Support (includes all features of Standard Support plus):
    ◦ 24-hour telephone support.
    ◦ Priority email support.

  2. Customers can upgrade to a Support Plan at any time via the System’s ‘Back Office’ using their login credentials or by contacting WorrkBox. Upgrading from a Standard to a Premium Support Plan will replace the existing contract. If upgrading during an active Standard Support Plan, the remaining term’s cost is prorated against the Premium Support Plan’s payment. The Premium Support Plan is contracted for a minimum of one year from its start date.

  3. All Support Plans are 12-month contracts governed by the Agreement’s terms. Payment options include annual upfront or monthly payments, with the latter requiring recurring payment details via direct debit or credit/debit card. Monthly payments are due on the purchase day each month. WorrkBox reserves the right to restrict access to Software if payments fail repeatedly until all arrears are settled.

  4. Support Plan fees may be increased at any time with 30 days’ notice to the Customer. Non-agreement to fee changes allows cancellation with a pro rata refund for any prepaid unused period.
    For customers using third-party hardware, WorrkBox will attempt to resolve software compatibility issues; however, hardware maintenance remains solely the Customer’s responsibility.
  5. Support Plan Renewal & Cancellation
    Support Plans automatically renew annually unless canceled before the renewal date. Customers have a 30-day post-renewal cooling-off period to opt-out with no penalty. To continue using WorrkBox Software after cancellation, customers must either pay the annual Support Plan licence fee or select another Support Plan.

  6. WorrkBox may terminate Support Plans if discontinuing the service.
  7. ProtectNow Care Plan
    WorrkBox offers a care plan subscription for its PRO Product Range, covering Lite, Base, Plus, Pro bundles, and the 21.5” Kitchen Display Screen. Subscription adjusts as WorrkBox varies, adds, or removes covered products. Customers retain termination rights if a covered product is excluded.
    ProtectNow Care Plan fees are monthly per solution/kitchen display screen on a fixed 36-month contract from sale date. Each product under the plan allows two accidental damage incidents within the 36-month period. Coverage applies exclusively to PRO Product Range items and excludes Third Party Products.
  8. 20 Complaints Procedure
    WorrkBox strives to ensure complete customer satisfaction. Should any issues arise, customers are required to follow the complaints procedure outlined in this section:

    • If a customer is dissatisfied with any Products and/or Services, the initial step is to contact WorrkBox’s support team. Contact details can be found at www.WorrkBox.com/contact-us.
      If the issue remains unresolved after contacting support, the customer should submit a written complaint via email to info@WorrkBox.com or by post to: Complaints, SolutionDot Ltd. 88 MacDonald Street, Birmingham, England (“WorrkBox or SolutionDot”). Written complaints must include detailed information about the situation, the nature of the complaint, and the best contact details for reaching the customer.

  9. WorrkBox will acknowledge receipt of the written complaint within two working days, confirming the assigned manager who will handle the resolution.

  10. The assigned manager will make every effort to resolve the complaint promptly, working closely with the customer to understand all aspects and propose a resolution if a fault is identified.
    Upon reaching a proposed resolution, the assigned manager will provide the customer with written documentation outlining the resolution and the reasoning behind it.

  11. If the customer remains unsatisfied with the resolution offered, they should notify the assigned manager of their desire to escalate the complaint further. Please note that adherence to this process is necessary before making any claims.
  12. All sales are governed by the terms of this Agreement, and WorrkBox advises customers to review the full Agreement before lodging a complaint. It’s important to note that while statutory rights remain unaffected, this transaction falls under business-to-business terms and is not subject to consumer law, such as the Consumer Rights Act 2015.

  13. PLEASE NOTE: WorrkBox does not tolerate abusive, offensive, or inappropriate behavior or intimidation toward its staff. Should a customer fail to treat WorrkBox’s staff courteously and professionally at all times, WorrkBox reserves the right to cease correspondence and cite such behavior in any legal proceedings.

  14. 21 Intellectual Property Rights
    All Intellectual Property Rights and other rights pertaining to the Products remain vested in WorrkBox.
    Customer data, including transactional data, sales data, product data, and stock data, are owned by the Customer.

  15. The Customer grants WorrkBox a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, transferable, worldwide license to use the Customer’s transactional data, sales data, product data, and stock data generated through the WorrkBox System. This license allows for the enhancement of existing services and the provision of new services for WorrkBox, its customers, and partner organizations. Personally identifiable information will be anonymized and/or aggregated.
  16. The Customer acknowledges that it does not acquire any Intellectual Property Rights in the Hardware and has no rights to the Intellectual Property Rights in the Software beyond those outlined in the EULA (Annex A).

  17. The Customer agrees not to remove, deface, or cover up any name plates, logos, or trademarks on the Products.

  18. Intellectual Property Rights in Products supplied by WorrkBox may be owned by third-party suppliers. Should WorrkBox notify the Customer of this, the Customer acknowledges that its use of these rights in third-party materials may require an end-user license (or sub-license) directly with the relevant licensor.

  19. PLEASE NOTE: Customer historic stock data stored by WorrkBox for use in the Stock History report in the back office will be retained for one year only and will be deleted at the end of this period. WorrkBox recommends that the Customer periodically exports this data from the stock history report to prevent any data loss.
  20. 22 Liability
    This clause governs the liability of each party under this Agreement and its Annexes.
    All warranties, conditions, and other terms implied by statute or common law are excluded from this Agreement to the fullest extent permitted by law.

  21. Neither party shall be liable for loss of profits, loss of business, depletion of goodwill, similar losses, pure economic loss, loss of anticipated savings, loss of goods, loss of contract, loss of use, loss or corruption of data or information, or any special, indirect, consequential, or pure economic loss, costs, damages, charges, or expenses.
  22. Each party’s total liability to the other in contract, tort (including negligence), misrepresentation, restitution, or otherwise arising under or in connection with this Agreement shall be limited to the price paid or payable for the relevant Products and/or Services provided by WorrkBox.

  23. 23 Confidentiality
    This clause governs the confidentiality obligations of the parties under this Agreement.
    The Receiving Party shall keep confidential all technical or commercial know-how, specifications, inventions, processes, initiatives, and any other confidential information disclosed by the Disclosing Party or its employees, agents, or sub-contractors.

  24. Confidential Information shall be treated with the same degree of care as the Receiving Party’s own confidential information and shall not be disclosed to any third party without the express written permission of the Disclosing Party, except as permitted under this Agreement.

  25. Exceptions to confidentiality include information in the public domain, independently developed by the Receiving Party, lawfully obtained from a third party without breach of confidentiality, disclosed with the Disclosing Party’s approval, or required by law.
  26. These confidentiality obligations shall survive termination of this Agreement.

  27. 24 Data Protection
    General Obligations: Both parties agree to comply with all applicable Data Protection Laws and privacy regulations in performing their obligations under this Agreement.
    Data Specification: The Customer shall provide WorrkBox with details of the processing of Personal Data necessary for performance under this Agreement.

  28. Data Controller: The Customer acknowledges its role as Data Controller and agrees to address data protection obligations in its customer terms and conditions and policies. The Customer indemnifies WorrkBox against losses arising from breaches of data protection provisions.
  29. Data Processor: WorrkBox agrees to act as Data Processor and processes Personal Data strictly as instructed by the Customer. WorrkBox shall maintain confidentiality and implement necessary security measures.

  30. Assistance: WorrkBox agrees to assist the Customer with subject access requests and compliance measures under Data Protection Laws.
  31. Data Transfers: WorrkBox may transfer Personal Data to other countries under approved safeguards or methods as required by applicable Data Protection Laws.

  32. Return of Data: Upon termination, WorrkBox shall return Personal Data to the Customer as requested, subject to legal or regulatory retention obligations.
  33. Sub-Processors: WorrkBox may engage sub-processors without further consent, subject to confidentiality and security requirements.

  34. Safeguards: Both parties shall implement administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to protect Personal Data.
  35. The Customer acknowledges WorrkBox’s processing of transactional and sales data, including Personal Data, as necessary for this Agreement.

  36. WorrkBox cannot guarantee data recovery if deleted by the Customer or at the Customer’s request.

  37. 25 Indemnity
    The Customer shall indemnify WorrkBox against losses, costs, liabilities, and expenses arising from claims related to the Customer’s actions, including content or data on the WorrkBox System and misuse of Products.

  38. 26 Termination
    Cancellation or variation of orders requires written acceptance by WorrkBox and may be subject to conditions set by WorrkBox.

  39. Either party may terminate this Agreement immediately upon specified events, including breach of obligations or insolvency.
  40. WorrkBox may terminate if it reasonably believes the Customer infringes rights.
    Upon termination, WorrkBox shall not refund charges, and all outstanding amounts shall become due immediately.

  41. Customer data shall be downloadable for 30 days post-termination, after which it may be deleted.
    Certain provisions of this Agreement shall survive termination.

  42. 27 Force Majeure
    Neither party shall be liable for failure to perform obligations due to unforeseen circumstances beyond reasonable control.

  43. If a force majeure event prevents performance for 30 days or more, either party may terminate the Agreement.
  44. WorrkBox may delay order deliveries for up to 30 days due to force majeure.

  45. 28 Audit
    WorrkBox may audit Software usage remotely or on-site upon reasonable notice, not exceeding twice yearly.

  46. Customer cooperation is required for audits; costs are borne by the party in breach.
    Breach findings may require compliance steps and additional payments.

WorrkBox occasionally offers incentives (“Offer”) to Customers for referring WorrkBox Services and/or Products to third parties (“Referral”). The terms of each Offer will be specified by WorrkBox on the corresponding web page or document. Any referral activities covered by a formal Offer authorized by WorrkBox will be governed by this clause 29. In cases where the terms of an Offer conflict with those outlined in this clause 29, the terms of this clause 29 will prevail.

To make Referrals, Customers may be granted permission by WorrkBox to generate a shareable URL/link from their account within the Software. This link can then be shared with third parties. If a third party follows the link and completes a purchase of the specified WorrkBox Services and/or Products within one month without canceling the order, the Customer may qualify for the incentive described in the Offer.
No incentives or referral fees will be paid if the Customer has outstanding fees or charges. WorrkBox may share certain personal data with third parties as necessary to fulfill these rewards, in accordance with its Privacy Policy.

This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties, superseding all prior agreements, promises, assurances, warranties, representations, and understandings, whether written or oral, regarding its subject matter. Each party acknowledges that in entering into this Agreement, it does not rely on any statements, representations, assurances, or warranties not expressly set forth in this Agreement.

WorrkBox may update this Agreement and its terms periodically. Continued use of WorrkBox’s services after being informed of any updates constitutes acceptance of those changes, which will then become part of this Agreement.

Except as provided in clause 27.2, no variation of this Agreement shall be effective unless it is in writing and signed by both parties. The Customer is responsible for keeping WorrkBox informed of any changes to their contact details.

WorrkBox may record phone calls from the Customer for training and quality control purposes. Failure or delay in exercising any right or remedy under this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of that or any other right or remedy.

The Customer may not assign, transfer, charge, subcontract, or otherwise deal with their rights or obligations under this Agreement without prior written consent from WorrkBox. WorrkBox may assign, transfer, charge, subcontract, or deal with its rights or obligations under this Agreement at any time.
All notices must be in writing and will be deemed given when mailed by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the other party’s main business address.

No one other than the parties to this Agreement, their successors, and permitted assignees shall have any right to enforce any of its terms. The Customer and WorrkBox hereby waive their rights to sue before a jury or participate in certain legal proceedings.

Nothing in this Agreement shall establish a partnership or joint venture between the parties, authorize a party to make commitments for the other, or make a party the agent of the other.
If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, it shall be modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it valid, legal, and enforceable. If modification is not possible, the provision shall be deemed deleted, without affecting the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.

This Agreement is governed by the laws of England and Wales, and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

ANNEX A: WorrkBox Software End User License Agreement (“EULA”)
Please read this EULA carefully before using any WorrkBox Software. By using any WorrkBox Software, you agree to be bound by the terms of this EULA. If you do not agree to the terms of this EULA, you must not use the Software.

• Application of this EULA: This EULA incorporates and supplements the WorrkBox Terms & Conditions (“Agreement”). In case of conflict between this EULA and the WorrkBox Terms & Conditions, the latter shall prevail.
• General Use: The Software, Systems, interfaces, content, fonts, and documentation provided under this Software license are licensed to the Customer on a non-exclusive, revocable, non-transferable basis.
• Permitted Software License Uses and Restrictions: Each Software license permits use on specific point of sale terminals. The Customer may not use the Software on more than one terminal unless agreed otherwise in writing.
• Termination: This EULA remains effective until terminated in accordance with the Agreement. Violation of terms results in automatic termination.

• Licensed Uses and Restrictions: WorrkBox APIs are licensed to the Customer on a non-exclusive, non-transferable basis. The Customer must comply with usage requirements and remove client data as requested.
• Ownership and Relationship of Parties: WorrkBox retains all rights to the WorrkBox APIs and related Intellectual Property. The Customer agrees to comply with applicable laws and WorrkBox’s proprietary rights.
• API Support: WorrkBox may provide API Support at its discretion and may modify or discontinue APIs without notice.

WorrkBox reserves the right to charge for the use of APIs on a recurring basis after providing advance notice to the Customer. WorrkBox may adjust, decrease, or eliminate these charges at its discretion. In case of an increase, WorrkBox will give the Customer at least 7 calendar days’ notice. If payment is not received, WorrkBox retains the right to enforce late payment provisions as outlined in the Agreement.
Disclaimer of Warranties

Some WorrkBox APIs may be experimental and have not undergone testing. WorrkBox does not guarantee that any APIs are free from inaccuracies, errors, bugs, interruptions, or that they are reliable, accurate, complete, or valid. The WorrkBox APIs are provided “as is” without any warranty, express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, availability, security, title, and non-infringement.

The Customer uses WorrkBox APIs at their own risk and discretion. The Customer is solely responsible for any damage resulting from the use of WorrkBox APIs, including damage to their computer system or loss of data. It is the Customer’s responsibility to verify the integrity and accuracy of any data accessed, edited, or supplied through an API.

This document outlines the key terms and conditions governing the updated Complete Solution effective from 22nd August 2022 between SolutionDot Ltd (“SolutionDot or WorrkBox”, “we”, “Us”) and You

These terms and conditions supersede those on our website, including any associated pricing.
For our comprehensive terms and conditions, please visit our website at https://www.WorrkBox.com. These terms remain applicable unless specific provisions are stated otherwise.

Separate Terms and Conditions apply to the use of WorrkBox Payments, which you must accept if your proposal includes this service. The pricing specified in these terms and conditions takes precedence over any amounts stated in the WorrkBox Payments terms and conditions.

These terms and conditions govern a business-to-business relationship between us and you. We do not enter into agreements with consumers as defined in the Consumer Rights Act 2015.

Our Propositions
1.1 As of 22nd August 2022, we offer four distinct propositions: Basic Monthly (monthly payment), Basic Upfront (upfront payment), Plus Monthly (monthly payment), and Plus Upfront (upfront payment). Each proposition varies in pricing depending on whether you opt for a 24-month contract or a rolling month-to-month contract, and whether you choose to utilize WorrkBox Payments. Further details and pricing can be found in Appendix 1.

1.2 These propositions encompass the provision of hardware, software, and payment solutions. You have the flexibility to upgrade between propositions at any time.

1.3 Detailed support information is outlined in Appendix 2.

2.1 All four propositions provide hardware for your use during the duration of your ongoing software agreement with us.

2.2 Legal ownership of hardware is transferred to you upon upfront payment for applicable propositions.

2.3 For propositions without upfront payment, legal ownership of the hardware remains with us. At the agreement’s end, you are required to return the hardware to us, facilitated by labels provided for this purpose.

2.4 Hardware provided under all propositions is discounted. The hardware’s full value is £1,500.00 for the Plus Plan and £1,200.00 for the Basic Plan (the “Hardware Cost”). You agree that this valuation is fair and reasonable for new hardware. Failure to return hardware within 60 days of the due date may result in WorrkBox invoicing you for the Hardware Cost.

Term and Termination
1 Monthly Rolling Period: You may terminate propositions with a monthly rolling period by providing us with one calendar month’s written notice, effective at the end of a calendar month.

2 Fixed Period: Proposals with a fixed period continue until the last day of that period. You may notify us in writing at any time before that date if you do not wish to extend the agreement. However, no notice can terminate the agreement before the fixed period’s last day. If you provide no notice, the agreement automatically continues on a month-by-month basis, subject to termination as per clause 3.1.

3 Early Termination: Should you terminate before the fixed period ends, you are responsible for paying a termination fee equivalent to the total of remaining monthly payments due before the fixed period’s conclusion. This amount is immediately due, and a 3.5% discount applies upon receipt of payment.

4 Cancellation and Variation: Unless explicitly stated otherwise, cancellations or variations of an order by you are effective only if made in writing and accepted in writing by an authorized WorrkBox officer. WorrkBox reserves the right to reject or accept such requests under conditions deemed appropriate to the circumstances.

5 Termination by Either Party: Either party (“Terminating Party”) may terminate this Agreement immediately upon providing written notice to the other party (“Defaulting Party”) in the following circumstances:

◦ The Defaulting Party breaches its obligations under this Agreement, which, if remediable, remains unresolved within 14 days of receiving written notice from the Terminating Party.
◦ Events such as the Defaulting Party’s insolvency, liquidation (compulsory or voluntary), appointment of receivers or liquidators, or suspension of business operations.

6 Immediate Termination by WorrkBox: WorrkBox may terminate this Agreement immediately if it reasonably believes that you have or will infringe upon WorrkBox’s rights or those of a third party.

7 Consequences of Termination: Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason, WorrkBox is not obligated to refund you, and all charges due under this Agreement become immediately payable. WorrkBox retains the right to claim interest or pursue any other rights under this Agreement.

8 Data Retrieval: Your data stored within the WorrkBox System will be available for download for 30 days following the termination’s effective date. After this period, your data may be deleted and will not be recoverable by or for you.

9 Continued Effectiveness: Any provision of this Agreement intended to remain in force post-termination or expiry will continue to be fully effective.

1 Current Pricing: The current pricing for all our propositions is detailed in Appendix 1.
2 Price Variation: We reserve the right to adjust monthly pricing with one calendar month’s written notice.
3 Price Adjustment Clause: If you are on a fixed-term contract and we increase prices (or the total increase over a rolling 12-month period exceeds 2% above the current Consumer Prices Index inflation rate at the notice date), you have the option to terminate this agreement with one calendar month’s notice.
4 VAT Exclusion: Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all sums are exclusive of VAT.
WorrkBox Payments and Pricing
1 WorrkBox Payments: WorrkBox Payments is facilitated through Adyen, and details are provided during the onboarding process, including acceptance of their terms of use.
2 Pricing Structure for Plus Propositions: The pricing structure for our Plus propositions depends on activation, continuous use of WorrkBox Payments, and meeting a minimum transaction level. This level is defined as processing either (i) at least 75% of your card transactions or (ii) a minimum of £2,000 in card payments over a rolling 28-day period (“Minimum Transaction Level”).
3 Downgrading to Basic Plan: If WorrkBox Payments are not activated or the Minimum Transaction Level is not maintained, we may notify you in writing of the plan downgrade to a Basic Plan, with corresponding pricing from Appendix 1.

Failure to Make Payments
1 Outstanding Payments: Should you fail to settle any due payments to WorrkBox, which remain outstanding for more than 28 days after the due date, we reserve the right to demand payment of all remaining fees until the agreement’s end and the Hardware Cost per clause 2.3.
2 Discount on Hardware Cost: For fixed-term propositions, the Hardware Cost is discounted by 4% for each remaining month.
3 Debt Assignment: WorrkBox may assign any debt owed by you to a third-party organization.
4 Compensation and Interest: We reserve the right to claim compensation and interest under the Late Payments of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998.
Choosing a Product and Services from WorrkBox
1 Product and Service Information: WorrkBox will provide information about its Products and Services to assist you in making informed purchasing decisions. Upon request, a complimentary Software demo may also be provided.
2 Responsibility for Product Suitability: It is solely your responsibility to ensure that the purchased Product(s) and/or Services meet your specific requirements.
3 Quotations: Upon request, WorrkBox will promptly provide a written quotation for any Product(s) and/or Services. Please note, this quotation serves as a guideline price and does not establish a contractual basis between you and WorrkBox.
4 Non-Confirmed Advice or Recommendations: Any advice or recommendation provided by WorrkBox or its representatives regarding Services, or the storage, application, or use of Products, which is not confirmed in writing by WorrkBox, is followed at your own risk. WorrkBox bears no liability for such advice or recommendation unless confirmed in writing.
5 Correction of Errors: Any errors or omissions in sales literature, quotations, price lists, acceptance of offers, invoices, websites, or other documents issued by WorrkBox may be corrected without liability.
6 Product Risk and Return: Risk for Products transfers to you upon delivery to the specified address in your order. Risk reverts to WorrkBox only upon physical receipt of the Products, provided they are eligible for return under this Agreement.

Your Responsibilities
1 Hardware Installation and Maintenance: You are responsible for installing hardware unless otherwise agreed in writing with WorrkBox, and maintaining it in accordance with WorrkBox’s environmental recommendations. The hardware’s external surfaces, cables, and fittings must be kept in good, clean condition.

2 Authorized Use and Maintenance: Only properly trained staff should use the hardware as per WorrkBox’s instructions. Only personnel authorized by WorrkBox may adjust, modify, configure, maintain, repair, replace, or remove any hardware component.
3 Recordkeeping and Support: You must maintain adequate records of hardware use, maintenance, and malfunctions. Upon request, provide WorrkBox with necessary information and assistance related to hardware, its application, use, location, and environment for support purposes.
4 Notification and Access: Notify WorrkBox promptly of any hardware or system failures, and grant unrestricted access to hardware, documentation, software, materials, and services necessary for support. Ensure trained staff are available as needed by WorrkBox for issue diagnosis and/or repair.
5 Backup and Security Measures: Maintain a regular backup routine for data and store backup copies securely. Implement adequate security measures and up-to-date firewalls to protect hardware, software, and systems from viruses, unauthorized access, or modifications by third parties. WorrkBox assumes no responsibility for unauthorized access or modifications.
6 Password Security: You are responsible for maintaining the security and confidentiality of your login password for WorrkBox Systems. Regularly update your password, and avoid using ‘remember me’ functions on publicly accessible or shared computers.

Internet / Network Requirements
1 Connection Requirements: WorrkBox’s Products necessitate a stable and robust internet or local network connection to utilize all online features effectively. You are responsible for ensuring the installation of the Software occurs with an appropriate internet or local network connection in place and maintaining it, including an up-to-date firewall. Recommended minimum internet speeds are 7Mbps download and 0.6Mbps upload to support up to four till devices. Larger installations require higher speeds suitable for their scale and operational needs. These speed requirements exclude additional internet usage beyond the WorrkBox System, such as staff or guest networks. Internet speeds and consistency can be verified using internet speed test websites or by contacting your internet service provider.
2 Network Isolation: You must provide a separate physical network or V-LAN dedicated to WorrkBox systems. This network must not be shared with devices that generate high volume, congestion, or unpredictable loads, including guest networks, and music or video streaming devices.
3 Connection Charges: You are solely responsible for any charges related to connection, line rental, and calls associated with the Products.
4 Responsibility for Network Suitability: While WorrkBox representatives may offer advice on the suitability of your internet or local network connection, ensuring a suitable connection both before and after placing an order remains solely your responsibility. WorrkBox is not liable for slow system responses caused by inadequate internet or local network connections on your end.
5 LAN Infrastructure Provision: The provision of Local Area Network (LAN) infrastructure (e.g., cabling, network switches, WAN router) is your responsibility and should align with your business size and operational criticality.
6 Wifi Usage: If the system utilizes wifi (e.g., tablets/mobile devices):
◦ You are responsible for setting up, configuring, and managing both the wifi infrastructure and devices. This includes ensuring adequate coverage and minimizing network dropouts due to wifi roaming.
◦ Wifi is inherently less reliable than wired networks, and dropouts can occur due to coverage issues, access point roaming, tablet sleep modes, and environmental factors. This should be considered when selecting a wifi solution and is not unique to WorrkBox Systems.
7 Offline Functionality: WorrkBox Systems are designed to function offline; however, some functionalities are reduced when no LAN or WAN connection is available or when the connection is unreliable.
8 Offline Device Maintenance: If customer devices are offline for extended periods, ensure they connect to the internet at least every seven days to synchronize data with servers. All till devices must perform ‘End of Day/Close Till’ operations regularly (at least every seven days) to archive local data to servers.

Delivery of Hardware
1 Initial Inspection: While WorrkBox takes care to package hardware securely, it is your responsibility to inspect the hardware upon delivery and before acceptance.
2 Reporting Defects: Notify WorrkBox of any defects in the cosmetic condition of the hardware within 24 hours of receipt, after documenting them.
3 Faulty Hardware Replacement: If hardware arrives faulty or damaged (provided clause 10.2 is followed), WorrkBox will replace it promptly.
4 Delivery Timeframe: WorrkBox makes reasonable efforts to deliver hardware by the specified date in the order. However, WorrkBox is not liable for delivery delays due to any cause, and delivery timing is not essential.
5 Signing for Deliveries: All deliveries must be signed for by you or an authorized representative. WorrkBox’s third-party courier will provide delivery timeframe notifications via email and/or text message. Ensure your contact information is accurate to benefit from this service.
6 Recipient Availability: You must ensure an authorized person is available to sign for hardware deliveries. WorrkBox is not liable for unsuccessful deliveries due to unavailability or lack of access to the delivery location.

Use of Personal Data and Information Sharing
WorrkBox adheres to the Data Protection Act 2018, and our Privacy Notice can be accessed via the following link.
For purposes such as credit checks, direct marketing, know your customer checks, data verification, debtor tracing, and other lawful business due diligence, WorrkBox utilizes third-party organizations. We have established appropriate terms and conditions with these entities to safeguard your personal information. Prior to entering into any agreement with you, the lawful basis for processing personal information in this manner will be legitimate interests. Once you have entered into an agreement with us, the lawful basis will be to fulfill our contractual obligations to you.
Under the Data Protection Act 2018, you have various rights outlined in our Privacy Notice.

General Data Protection Obligations
Each party agrees to comply with all applicable Data Protection Laws and other privacy regulations in the performance of their obligations under this Agreement. Personal information concerning natural persons falls under the EU General Data Protection Regulation EU 2016/679 for EEA countries and the Data Protection Act 2018 in the UK.

Data Specification
You must provide WorrkBox with a document detailing:
• The subject matter and duration of processing by WorrkBox
• The nature and purpose of the processing
• The type of Personal Data and categories of data subjects relevant to this Agreement

Data Controller Responsibilities
As our customer, you acknowledge and agree that you are the Data Controller under this Agreement. You are responsible for addressing cookie usage and data protection obligations in your end-customer/Customer Terms & Conditions and policies. WorrkBox bears no control over your data protection notices, policies, and Terms & Conditions. Therefore, you agree to indemnify and hold WorrkBox and its Affiliates harmless against any losses, costs, liabilities, expenses (including legal fees), arising from:
• Breach of this section
• Liability arising from cookies or Personal Data captured through your website(s)
• Consent issues for exporting Personal Data outside the European Economic Area by WorrkBox

Data Processor Responsibilities
WorrkBox acknowledges its role as Data Processor under this Agreement and agrees to:
• Maintain strict confidentiality of all Personal Data received, stored, or collected from you
• Not disclose Personal Data to third parties
• Use Personal Data solely to fulfill obligations under this Agreement
• Process Personal Data only as instructed by you in writing, except where required by law (in which case, WorrkBox will inform you before proceeding)
• Promptly comply with any written requests from you to amend, transfer, or delete Personal Data
• Notify you promptly (within 48 hours) upon becoming aware of any Personal Data breach, providing all necessary information to fulfill obligations to notify relevant data protection authorities or affected individuals under applicable laws

WorrkBox agrees to assist you promptly with subject access requests at your cost. We will ensure appropriate technical and organizational measures are in place to help you meet obligations related to accessing Personal Data held by WorrkBox. Upon request, WorrkBox will provide reasonable information to demonstrate compliance with this clause. WorrkBox reserves the right to charge a reasonable fee for such assistance regarding data impact assessments or consultations with data protection authorities.

Data Transfers
WorrkBox may transfer Personal Data to:
• EU/EEA countries
• Countries recognized by the EU with data-compliant laws through an adequacy decision
• Other countries through restricted transfer mechanisms
• Other WorrkBox group entities via standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission
• Methods approved by the Information Commissioner’s Office (or other regulator) from time to time

Return of Data
Upon termination or expiry of this Agreement, WorrkBox will return all requested Personal Data. WorrkBox may retain a copy to fulfill legal or regulatory obligations.

You agree that WorrkBox may appoint sub-contractors as sub-processors without additional consent. These sub-contractors are deemed approved under this clause. You may request a list of sub-processors from time to time.

Both parties agree to implement administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to ensure the security, confidentiality, and protection against unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, use, or disclosure of Personal Data and other information.

You acknowledge and agree to WorrkBox processing all transactional and sales data, including Personal Data, for purposes connected with this Agreement.

Data Transmission
You understand that data transmitted over the Internet or through other means, including telephony, cannot be guaranteed free from interception, even when encrypted. WorrkBox cannot guarantee data recovery if deleted by you or at your request.

This clause outlines the liability of each party:
• All statutory warranties, conditions, and other terms are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.
• Neither party is liable for indirect, consequential, or economic losses such as loss of profits, business, goodwill, or data.
• Each party’s total liability under this Agreement is limited to the price paid or payable for relevant Products and/or Services, except where indemnity is provided.

You agree to indemnify WorrkBox, its officers, employees, consultants, agents, and sub-contractors against all losses, costs, liabilities, and expenses arising from claims related to:
• Your content or data on the WorrkBox System infringing third-party Intellectual Property Rights, being inaccurate or incomplete, or violating privacy or data protection laws
• Your use of Products causing loss or harm to WorrkBox or third parties

Complaints Procedure
WorrkBox strives for customer satisfaction. If issues arise:
• Contact WorrkBox support team first via www.WorrkBox.com/contact-us
• If unresolved, submit a written complaint to info@WorrkBox.com or Complaints, 88 MacDonald Street, Birmingham, England (“WorrkBox or SolutionDot”).
• Include full details and best contact information
• WorrkBox will acknowledge your complaint within two working days and assign a manager to handle resolution
• The assigned manager will provide a documented resolution and rationale
• If unsatisfied, notify the manager to escalate the complaint
• Ensure compliance with this process for any valid claims

Important Note
WorrkBox does not tolerate abusive, offensive, or inappropriate behavior toward its staff. Non-cooperation or bad faith may lead to termination of services.

Intellectual Property Rights
• All Intellectual Property Rights and other rights in the Products belong to WorrkBox.
• You retain ownership of all Customer data, including transactional, sales, product, and stock data.
• You grant WorrkBox a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, transferable, worldwide license to use your transactional, sales, product, and stock data generated through the WorrkBox System. This license is for enhancing existing services and providing new services to WorrkBox, its customers, and partner organizations. Personally identifiable information will be anonymized and/or aggregated.
• You acknowledge no acquisition of Intellectual Property Rights in hardware and no rights to Software Intellectual Property Rights beyond those stated in the EULA in Appendix 3.
• You agree not to remove, deface, or cover up any name plates, logos, or trademarks on the Products.
• Products supplied by WorrkBox may include Intellectual Property Rights owned by third-party suppliers. If notified by WorrkBox, your use of these rights will be subject to an end-user license (or sub-license) directly with the relevant licensor.

• The Receiving Party will keep Confidential Information received from the Disclosing Party confidential and use it solely to fulfill obligations under this Agreement.
• Confidential Information will not be disclosed to third parties without the Disclosing Party’s written permission, except to personnel needing access for Agreement purposes and subject to confidentiality obligations.
• The Receiving Party will handle Confidential Information with the same care as its own confidential information.
• The Receiving Party may use or disclose Confidential Information that: (a) becomes public without breach; (b) was known before disclosure without confidentiality obligations; (c) is obtained independently; (d) has Disclosing Party approval; or (e) is required by law (with notice to the Disclosing Party, where possible).

Survival and Force Majeure
• Clause 16 on confidentiality will survive termination of this Agreement.
• Neither party is liable for failure to perform obligations due to unforeseen circumstances beyond reasonable control. If a force majeure event prevents obligations for over 30 days, either party may terminate the Agreement with written notice.

• This Agreement is the entire agreement between the parties, replacing all previous agreements.
• WorrkBox may update terms and you accept changes by continuing use after notice.
• Changes to this Agreement require written, signed consent by both parties.
• You must inform WorrkBox of any contact detail changes.
• WorrkBox may record phone calls for agreement evidence, training, and quality control purposes.
• No waiver of rights or remedies due to failure to exercise them.

APPENDIX 1 – Pricing and Details
Our Basic bundle includes WorrkBox Till, Cash Drawer, Printer, Till and Back Office software, accidental damage repairs (once per year), and next-day hardware replacement for in-warranty issues. Training, implementation, and support are standard.

All prices exclude VAT. 

APPENDIX 2 – Summary of support 
Support is offered by our UK based team in the following hours: 

Support type Weekdays Weekend

Standard 09:00 to 18:00 (UK) 09:00 to 17:00 on Saturdays only 

Premium 24/7

WorrkBox Software End User License Agreement (“EULA”)


1 Application of this EULA
◦ This EULA incorporates and supplements the WorrkBox Terms & Conditions (General Terms and Conditions of Trading with WorrkBox) (“Agreement”) as updated from time to time. In the event of conflict between the terms of this EULA and the WorrkBox Terms & Conditions, the WorrkBox Terms & Conditions will prevail.

2 General Use
◦ The Software, Systems, interfaces, content, fonts, documentation and any data that is provided by WorrkBox to the Customer under its Software licence (as may be updated or replaced by Software updates or System restore software provided by WorrkBox whether in read only memory, on any other media or in any other form) are licensed to the Customer (for the number of licences purchased only) on a non-exclusive, revocable, non-transferable basis for the Customer to make reasonable use of the WorrkBox System under the terms of this Agreement and not for any other purpose.
◦ WorrkBox retains ownership of the Software and reserves all rights not expressly granted to the Customer.
◦ WorrkBox, at its discretion, may make available future updates to the Software for the Customer’s Epos System.
◦ The Customer shall carry out regular back-ups to removable media stored separately from the supported items and carry out other normal system housekeeping routines (disc defragging etc). WorrkBox shall not be liable for any loss or damage sustained or incurred by the Customer or any third party through loss or corruption of data resulting from any maintenance activity by WorrkBox required or performed under this Agreement. WorrkBox will use reasonable endeavours rectify any such loss of data or programs, but reserves the right to charge for such services.
◦ The Customer remains solely responsible for implementing adequate and industry standard virus protection measures to all parts of the WorrkBox System.
◦ Any additional software which is downloaded by the Customer, which is not already pre-installed on the System, is solely done at the Customer’s risk.
◦ The Customer is responsible for keeping the Software up-to-date and must accept automatic updates to the Software at all times. The Customer is responsible for keeping the operating system up-to-date with available patches and upgrades at all times.
◦ From time to time WorrkBox will deprecate older operating system versions, supporting Software or Hardware minimum specifications. WorrkBox will use reasonable endeavours to give 60 days’ notice in such circumstances and after this period the Customer must move away from any such deprecated Hardware, Software and/or operating systems at the Customer’s expense.
3 Permitted Software Licence Uses and Restrictions
◦ Each Software licence allows the Customer to use the Software on the specific point of sale terminals requested by the Customer at the point of purchase.
◦ Each licence does not allow the Software to exist on more than one point of sale terminal, and the Customer must not make the Software available over a network where it could be used by multiple devices or multiple computers at the same time, unless otherwise agreed in writing by WorrkBox.
◦ This EULA does not grant the Customer any rights to use WorrkBox proprietary interfaces or any other Intellectual Property Rights in the design, development, manufacture, licensing or distribution of third party devices and accessories for use with the WorrkBox System. Except as and only to the extent expressly permitted in this EULA or by applicable law, the Customer must not copy, decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, and attempt to derive the source code of, decrypt, modify, or create derivative works of the Software (or any updates), the WorrkBox Systems, or any part thereof. Any attempt to do so is a violation of the rights of WorrkBox. If the Customer breaches this restriction, it may be subject to prosecution and damages.
◦ The Customer may not rent, lease, lend, charge, redistribute or sub-license the WorrkBox Software or Software updates.

4 Termination
◦ This EULA is effective until terminated in accordance with the Agreement. The Customer’s rights under this EULA will terminate automatically without notice from WorrkBox if the Customer fails to comply with any term(s) of this EULA. Upon the termination of this EULA the Customer’s Software will be restricted.

Licensed Uses and Restrictions
• “API” means the software set of functions and procedures that allow the creation of third-party applications to access the features or data of WorrkBox’s System.
• The WorrkBox APIs are owned by WorrkBox and are licensed to the Customer on a worldwide (except as limited below), non-exclusive, non-transferable basis on the terms set forth herein.
• These API Terms of Use define the legal use of WorrkBox APIs, including all updates, revisions, substitutions, and any copies of the WorrkBox APIs made by or for the Customer.
• WorrkBox Customer data (including but not limited to transaction data, sales data, product data and stock data) are owned by the Customer and not by WorrkBox.
• The Customer’s right to use the WorrkBox APIs shall terminate immediately if WorrkBox disables the Customer’s access to the WorrkBox APIs for any reason.
• The Customer shall:
◦ comply with any requirements or restrictions imposed on usage of client data by their respective owners. Although the WorrkBox APIs can be used to provide the Customer with access to client data, neither WorrkBox’s provision of the WorrkBox APIs to the Customer nor the Customer’s use of the WorrkBox APIs override the Customer’s data privacy requirements and restrictions, which may include “all rights reserved” notices, data protection laws, Creative Commons licenses or other terms and conditions that may be agreed upon between the Customer and its clients. In all cases, the Customer is solely responsible for making use of its client data in compliance with the applicable client’s requirements and/or restrictions;
◦ remove from the WorrkBox System any client data or other information that the applicable client asks the Customer to remove within 24 hours;
◦ disclose through a privacy policy or otherwise displayed in the footer of each page of the Customer’s applications, how it collects, uses, stores and discloses data collected from visitors and clients, including, where applicable, that third parties may serve content and collect information directly from visitors and may place or recognise cookies on visitors’ browsers;
◦ provide accurate contact details for the Customer to WorrkBox upon request; and
◦ provide an accurate statement of intended use of the applicable API to WorrkBox upon request, and once provided restrict the Customer’s activities to stay within this statement.
• The Customer shall not:
◦ Use the WorrkBox APIs for any application that replicates or attempts to replace the essential user experience of WorrkBox.com or any WorrkBox app or website;
◦ attempt to cloak or conceal the Customer’s identity or the application’s identity when requesting authorisation to use WorrkBox APIs;
◦ cache or store any content other than for reasonable periods in order to provide the service the Customer is providing to its clients;
◦ use the WorrkBox APIs for any application that constitutes, promotes or is used in connection with spyware, adware, or any other malicious programs or code;
◦ use the WorrkBox APIs in any manner or for any purpose that violates any law or regulation within the UK and the location of any of its own servers, or any rights of any person, including but not limited to Intellectual Property Rights, rights of privacy, or rights of personality;
◦ use the WorrkBox APIs in a manner that adversely impacts the stability of WorrkBox.com servers or adversely impacts the behaviour of other applications using the WorrkBox APIs. Further, WorrkBox reserves the right to rate limit or block applications that make a large number of calls to an API that are not primarily in response to direct user actions;
◦ sell, lease, or sublicense the WorrkBox APIs or access thereto or derive revenues from the use or provision of the WorrkBox APIs, whether for direct commercial or monetary gain or otherwise, without prior written agreement from WorrkBox; or
◦ serve, or allow third parties to serve, advertising materials to clients, or to collect data for the purposes of marketing or advertising.

Ownership and Relationship of Parties
• WorrkBox owns all rights, title, and interest in and to the WorrkBox APIs. WorrkBox’s rights apply to the WorrkBox APIs and all output and executables of the WorrkBox APIs, excluding any software components developed by the Customer which do not themselves incorporate the WorrkBox APIs or any output or executables of the WorrkBox APIs.
• The Customer agrees to abide by all applicable proprietary rights laws and other laws, as well as any additional copyright notices or restrictions provided by WorrkBox to the Customer.
• These terms do not grant the Customer any right, title, or interest in any Intellectual Property Rights owned or licensed by WorrkBox, including (but not limited to) the WorrkBox APIs and WorrkBox trademarks.

API Support
• WorrkBox may elect to provide the Customer with support or modifications for the WorrkBox APIs (collectively, “API Support”), in its sole discretion, and may terminate such API Support at any time without providing notice to the Customer.
• WorrkBox may change, suspend, or discontinue any aspect of the WorrkBox APIs at any time, including the availability of any WorrkBox APIs.

• WorrkBox reserves the right to charge for API usage on a recurring basis, providing prior notice to the Customer. WorrkBox may adjust these charges, including increases, reductions, or removal of fees, at any time. Any fee increase will be communicated to the Customer with at least 7 calendar days’ notice.
• In the event of non-payment, WorrkBox retains the right to enforce late payment terms as specified in the Agreement.

Disclaimer of Warranties
• Some WorrkBox APIs may be experimental and untested. WorrkBox does not guarantee that the APIs are free of inaccuracies, errors, bugs, interruptions, or that they are reliable, accurate, complete, or valid.
• The WorrkBox APIs are provided “as is,” without any express or implied warranties. WorrkBox explicitly disclaims all warranties and conditions, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, availability, security, title, and non-infringement.
• The Customer uses the WorrkBox APIs at their own risk and is solely responsible for any resulting damage, including to their computer system or data loss.
• The Customer is responsible for verifying the integrity and accuracy of any data accessed, modified, or provided through an API.